Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Using the Future Tense to Express Probability and Uncertainty

An interesting use of the future tense is when Spanish-speakers conjugate a verb in this manner to express uncertainty, wonder, conjecture, or probability.

Let's explore the following examples. Suppose we are wondering if our buddy Javan is coming to a party. We can express that in a myriad ways, but a great way to do that is by employing the future tense:

Javan vendrá a la fiesta a las nueve.

Javan might be coming to the party at 9.

Or, it might be interpreted as follows:

Javan probably is coming to the party at 9.

If expressed as a question, the sentence is interpreted as follows:

¿Vendrá Javan a la fiesta?

I wonder if Javan is coming to the party? OR Maybe Javan is coming to the party?

It can be used to express uncertainty as to the time:

Serán las once.

It might be 11 o'clock.

The meaning and interpretation of the future tense used in this manner is usually understood through context, since the same format can be used to actually express an event that will happen in the future. For example:

Mis amigos estarán en casa.

My friends might be at home.

can ALSO mean (in the classical future tense):

My friends will be at home.

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Using "¿qué? and ¿cuál? in interrogative sentences; You know them better as "questions".

Both ¿qué? and ¿cuál? mean "what?" in English, but the verbs in Spanish change depending on where they are used.  " cuál &q...